Yes, they have super powers and each one appears to have their own little quirks (like the guy can only walk by doing crosswords - each floor tile being a letter), but I just couldn't bring myself to care about them. There are several of his creations running around, but none really have much depth, including Deucalion. Frankenstein was a little more original than that. Isn't that what Hitler wanted to do decades ago? I always thought Dr. The mad scientist wants to destroy humanity and replace them with his superior race. I feel like I've heard this song and dance before. Unfortunately the recap at the front of the book didn't provide that much info.Īnyway, the story itself just isn’t that intriguing. There have already been a few murders and the cops have a few leads. This is the second volume of a two part collection so it's a bit like flipping channels and coming across an episode of CSI and having no idea what's going on.

He's also calling himself Deucalion, which is something I cannot pronounce. Helping the cops investigate is Frankenstein's original monster, who is now a big emo guy with the hoodie and mascara to match. Unfortunately these beings are a little unstable and start killing people. He's sent them out into the world to infiltrate society so that when the time comes he can take out the old race and replace them with his creations. He's now stateside, creating a new race of human-esque creatures and going by the name Victor Helios. Now it's a comic coming from Dynamite Entertainment. Apparently this has been in the works for some time with several novels and even a made-for-TV movie that was released a few years back.

That didn't stop Dean Koontz (aka Stephen-King-Lite) from creating the sequel to Mary Shelley's original novel. Of all the classic monster stories out there, Frankenstein was one that I could have done without seeing updated in the modern age.

Trade Paperback released on June 14th, 2011 "Dean Koontz's Frankenstein: Prodigal Son - Volume Two" Trade Paperback Review